2016-04-09 Barnabas Kane Explains Rainwater Harvesting


2016-04-09 Rainwater Harvesting from CWAGAZ on Vimeo.

Presented at the CWAG monthly meeting on April 9, 2016.

Have you wanted to try rainwater harvesting but didn't know where to start? Or maybe you've heard a little about it and are wondering if it's for you?

In this video, landscape architect T. Barnabas Kane shows you everything you need to know about rainwater harvesting. He covers the history, application and principles of rainwater harvesting and why it is such a good idea. He explains the difference between active and passive rainwater collection strategies, and gives you the basics of volume calculation, tank sizing, system placement, and the essential components you'll need.

T. Barnabas Kane is a second generation landscape architect and planner. His multi-disciplined approach blends architecture, landscape architecture, ecology, art, and community planning skills. Learn more about his work at http://tbkadesign.com.


  • "Ranchers need clean water for their stock, farmers need it for their crops, every employer needs it to stay in business, and every living thing needs it for life... The law needs to be clear to protect water quality and the rights of landowners."
    Mark Udall
  • "Water is the driver of Nature."
    Leonardo da Vinci
  • "When the well is dry, we know the worth of water."
    Benjamin Franklin, Poor Richard’s Almanac, 1746
  • "...and since flow of information is to spirit what water is to life, we'd best think about how to keep the pipes free and unclogged."
    Raphie Frank
  • "In an age when man has forgotten his origins and is blind even to his most essential needs for survival, water along with other resources has become the victim of his indifference."
    Rachel Carson
  • "We forget that the water cycle and the life cycle are one."
    Jacques Yves Cousteau
  • "Water is life's matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water."
    Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, 1937 Nobel Prize for Medicine
  • "Water is everywhere and in all living things; we cannot be separated from water. No water, no life. Period..."
    Robert Fulghum
  • "It's the water. Everything is driven by the water."
    Mike Thompson
  • "Whiskey is for drinking; water is for fighting over."
    Mark Twain