It is with immense gratitude and appreciation that we reach out to you, our valued members of Citizens Water Advocacy Group (CWAG) to share an important update about our organization’s journey and future. 

For the past two decades, our dedicated volunteers, (both past and present) including our esteemed Board of Directors, have been the heart and soul of our organization, tirelessly working to educate voters and advocate for sound water policy in the Prescott Active Management Area (PAMA) and to protect the flow of the upper Verde River.  Their unwavering commitment has been the driving force behind our mission’s success, and we owe them a debt of gratitude that words cannot fully express.

However, as time marches on, we find ourselves facing a new set of challenges: 

Many of our long-standing volunteer and Board members have been forced to limit their involvement and are no longer available to manage the day-to-day responsibilities that have kept our organization running smoothly.  We are losing key volunteers who have managed our email and press releases,  helped staff events, tracked our membership, reported on public meetings, and participated in key committees and the Board.

We face a growing problem in water management. Prescott and Prescott Valley are authorizing thousands of new homes - each home consumes groundwater -  that will ultimately require importing water from the Big Chino aquifer and threaten the Verde River. We are at a pivotal juncture where CWAG needs to grow stronger to meet a growing challenge. We believe that CWAG must hire an administrative assistant to maintain our crucial communications and advocacy. This will free the CWAG leadership from many administrative tasks and permit us to increase our effective advocacy work to local and state elected officials.

This is where your support becomes paramount.  We are launching a special fundraising campaign to raise the necessary funds to hire an administrative assistant who can help us with the essential tasks that we no longer have the capacity to carry forward. Our fundraising goal is $35,000.

Here's how you can help:

1  Renew Your Membership:
  If you haven’t already done so, please consider renewing your membership with CWAG in the next month.  Your membership dues provide a stable foundation of support that allows us to plan for the future with confidence and dues and donations are tax deductible.

2. Make a Donation:  In addition to membership renewal, we kindly ask you to consider making an additional donation to our organization.  We are registered with the IRS as a 501(c)(3) organization.  Every dollar counts and will go directly towards covering the salary of our administrative assistant. If you prefer to use US Mail, download the form.  Also, please consider making a Qualified Charitable Distribution to CWAG by sharing some of your required year-end IRA distributions.  For details, see Share your required IRA distributions with CWAG! on our website.

3.  Volunteer:  There are a variety of roles available for those who may be willing to join the CWAG volunteer team.  If you have a few hours per month that you could dedicate to our group you can make a direct and lasting impact on our organization’s capacity to function effectively.  Simply check a box for one of the volunteer options listed at the bottom of the membership renewal page. Or please reach out to a member of our Board of Directors to discuss options.

3.  Spread the Word: Share our mission and fundraising campaign with your friends, family, and colleagues who share our passion for water advocacy. When you renew your membership, you will see an opportunity to “Tell Your Friends.”  Your endorsement can help us reach a wider audience and achieve our fundraising goals.

We understand that times may be challenging for many, but please know that any contribution, so matter the size, is deeply appreciated.  Together, we can ensure that CWAG continues to thrive and make a positive impact on our environment.

To donate or renew your membership, simply visit our website HERE

You are part of an essential membership group whose unwavering support has been the lifeblood of our organization since our inception twenty years ago.  We are confident that, with your help, we can overcome this new challenge and continue our mission, partnering with others to ensure the safe water supply to the region and protect the flow of the Verde river for generations to come.

Thank you for being a part of our community, and thank you for your enduring commitment to preserving a way of life in this region we have all come to treasure.

Warmest regards,

The CWAG Board: Gary Beverly, Tim Ernster, Ralph Hess, Leslie Hoy, Peter Kroopnick, Ellie Laumark, Fred Oswald, Tom Sands, Greg Stein, Joe Zarnoch

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