Which is highest priority? 


This graph illustrates monthly average groundwater pumping by the City of Prescott. The base use shown is the average of the monthly pumping during the winter months when outdoor irrigation is low. We assume that the winter base use represents indoor water usage through the entire year. Also, we assume that this pattern is typical for other water providers in our area.

Seasonal use during April - October is 27% of Prescott's annual groundwater pumping - that is a lot of water. Therefore, for a typical home, outdoor water use is a high priority area for conservation. It is possible that your home uses more or less than the 27% average.

To see your annual water use pattern, read your water bill. If you use no tap water outdoors, then you should concentrate on indoor conservation. If your outdoor water use is large, then outdoor conservation is a high priority.

Also, we strongly recommend that you ask your water provider for a 12-month water use history. If you are in Prescott, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., including your name, address, and account number.