Each New House Depletes Our Only Water Source

water new homesRight now, our elected officials are planning for tens of thousands of new houses. Where will the water come from?

The only source of water for new houses and other buildings is groundwater pumped from the Prescott Active Management Area.

Each new house increases groundwater pumping and adds to the overdraft no matter how efficient water use is inside and outside the house.

Our elected government officials are choosing to facilitate development and growth over protection of our groundwater. State law and regulations facilitate growth despite claiming to protect water for future generations. Officials claim that they support sustainability of our water resources while their actions and policies exploit and deplete our finite water supply.

As citizens, we should contact our current government officials and explain why current water management policies are not sustainable. And, at election time, we can support those candidates who promise to work to protect our water supply.

For a summary of the threats to our water supply see"Our Water Supply."