Of all groups that pump groundwater, large municipal systems will be least affected by falling groundwater levels in the near future. Prescott municipal wells are very deep and are located in Chino Valley  in the most reliable and productive water area of the Prescott Active Management Area (PrAMA). Prescott Valley's deep production wells pump from  the southern part of the PrAMA. Both water systems tap the same groundwater reservoir. These two large municipal water utilties are responsible for most of the groundwater pumping and the overdraft. The overdraft cannot continue forever – groundwater supply is limited – so in the long term the large municipal providers will be effected.

If municipalities and other water user groups do not reverse the growing overdraft, groundwater levels will continue to fall. At some point Prescott and Prescott Valley will have to face reality and deal with their impending water shortage. The longer officials delay in confronting this situation, the more costly and disruptive the solutions will be for citizens. For example, California, when faced with shortages, has imposed rationing along with increased prices of water. It would indeed be tragic if Prescott and Prescott Valley fail to take the actions now to avoid future shortages. These utilities have the knowledge and financial resources to be proactive, but so far lack the political will to act.