With the participation and support of our members, CWAG has become a respected and effective advocate for sustainable water resources in our area. Our activities include:

  • We listen to the public.
  • We answer your questions.
  • We present monthly public programs on local water topics.
  • We present programs to community groups through our Speakers Bureau.
  • We attend and monitor public meetings: Prescott City Council, Board of Supervisors, Prescott AMA, etc.
  • We monitor state legislation and meet with elected representatives.


We are often asked “How can I get involved?”

Our first and foremost response is “Join CWAG,” and that can be done easily by clicking on Join - Renew - Donate. However, you can do more!

Here are some suggestions:

  • If you only wish to receive our weekly calendar of water events e-newsletter, sign up by clicking on Subscribe to Calendar. You don't need to be a paid member to receive the emails.
  • Follow us on Facebook.
  • Attend our public meetings on the second Saturday of each month, and if you are a member, participate in our January strategic planning session.
  • Invite a CWAG speaker to address your group.
  • Join our Public Policy Committee or Science Committee.  The Public Policy Committee meets on the first Monday of the month. The Science Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month, but not every month. To learn more about the committees and their projects, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
  • Attend the public meetings listed in our calendar of events, learn more about the issues, speak up when you feel ready.
  • Share your interest in water sustainability with anyone who will listen! Lead by example.
  • Stay informed and vote.

Ask us questions, give us feedback, or send us a message.

Thanks so much for your interest!