Paul Glaves was raised in Houston, TX. He received all of his formal education in Houston, including completing 2 degrees in Chemical Engineering. After working in various positions at various engineering companies for 40 years, Paul retired to Prescott. In his last two decades working, he became involved in calculating real-time are  emissions from hydrocarbon facilities, including gas facilities, refineries and chemical plants. For 7 years during this time, Paul became a subject matter expert (SME) for oil and gas client for 7 years regarding EPA mandatory reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for upstream gas producing facilities. Led team producing annual reports using field data for 6 years.

Paul is married to Jo. They had two kids. Their youngest, Katherine, attended Prescott College from 2007-2010. Their oldest, Eric, is a registered professional land surveyor.

Current member of Prescott Audubon Society (PAS), Prescott Creeks and PAS representative to Upper Agua Fria Watershed Partnership (UAFWP). Paul joined CWAG in 2021 and has been attending meetings as well as Science and Policy committee meetings to wrap his head around the challenges for both the quantity and quality of our water in Prescott.