KroopnickDr. Peter Kroopnick retired to Prescott in 2009 and promptly joined CWAG. He is currently serving as head of the Science Committee and a member of the Board of Directors. Before his retirement, he was a practicing hydrogeologist for a major engineering company and an instructor in Hydrogeology at Arizona State University. He specializes in groundwater modeling and environmental chemistry.
Pete earned his PhD from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, went on to teach and conduct research at the University of Hawaii before leaving academia for private practice at Exxon Production Research and several large engineering companies active in groundwater contamination and resource exploration.
He has served as President of the Arizona Hydrological Society and is currently active in both this organization as well as Prescott Creeks. For pleasure he works as a volunteer Park Ranger for the City of Prescott and can be found most days biking on one of the many excellent single track trails in the Prescott National Forest.