T SandsTom Sands, P.E., R.L.S. retired after a 37-year career as a Water Resource Engineer with SRP in Phoenix. During that tenure he led efforts to develop SRP’s first Long-Range Water Plan, developed and utilized mathematical flow models, worked with local municipalities to utilize their SRP water allocations and Co-Chaired the Municipal and Industrial Drought Planning Committee for Governor Napolitano’s Arizona Drought Plan.

  He also served as Project Manager for the rehabilitation of SRP’s C.C. Cragin (Blue Ridge) Water Project, which collects and transports water to the East Verde River where a portion is diverted to the Town of Payson for their municipal use. He has briefed state and federal elected officials on water issues, helped write legislation and served on SRP’s PIC political action committee.

Sands was named a Fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers where he served
as chairman of their national committees on Water Resource Planning and Urban Water
Resources.  The Arizona Water Association named him their 2010 Engineer of the Year for his water resource related contributions within Arizona.  In retirement, he has directed water resource studies and overseen well drilling efforts on Boy Scout summer camp properties. 

His education includes a B.S. Degree in Civil Engineering from Arizona State University
with graduate studies in hydrology and water resource engineering.