G SteinGreg was born and raised in Detroit and while earning a BS in Marketing at the University of Detroit, he was drafted into the Army and sent to Vietnam where he was promptly blown up, earning a Bronze Star and Purple Heart in the process. He then completed an MBA and entered the corporate world in marketing and advertising. He built his career calling on GM, Ford and Chrysler, and also generating business from DuPont, Unisys, AAA and Colgate. Highlights include heading up Young & Rubicam's largest account, Lincoln Mercury and later heading up
strategy on Ford worldwide. He then moved to work directly for VW as their head of marketing
and communications in the U.S.

Twenty-two years ago he joined a career transition firm, helping people to find
their next new position or industry. Ten years later, that segued into helping people find the
best way to work for themselves. As a franchise consultant, representing over 300 different
franchises in 30 industries, he makes customized recommendations to his clients.

At about the same time he moved to the mountains of Arizona to escape Michigan. Continuing
to work in the franchise business, he also volunteered in many different organizations, including
5+ years as a victim advocate with the Yavapai County Attorney's office, two years as a Prescott
City Hall Ambassador, and registering many people to vote as a member of the League of
Women Voters, and of course CWAG participation.