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Prescott Valley Town Council Study Session - PFAs Remediation
Thursday, November 07, 2024, 02:00pm
Hits : 7

Thursday, November 7, 2024

2:00 p.m. - Prescott Valley Town Council Study Session. Agenda item 2.b. is PFAS Remediation Project Options Update. The council memo states, "In May 2022, PFAS chemicals in area water production wells became a concern that needs to be addressed. Town staff has been working since then to identify projects options for remediating PFAS chemicals and obtaining necessary funding. Staff initially considered projects involving treatment facilities at each of the wells involved. More recently, staff has considered an alternative project. This Study Session presentation will summarize the efforts to identify the level of PFAS chemicals in our area, what has been done to date towards addressing those PFAS levels in our wells, direction moving forward, and funding options for these expensive projects . . . . The Town will be exploring all potential funding options as it moves forward to meet the PFAS standards adopted by federal and state agencies." The agenda with options for remote viewing is posted HERE: LOCATION: Council Chambers/Library Auditorium, 7401 E. Skoog Blvd., Prescott Valley