CWAG Calendar
Events Calendar
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
NEW! 3:00 p.m. Prescott City Council Voting Meeting. Consent Agenda item 8.D. is Approval of Request to Apply for a Water Infrastructure Finance Authority (WIFA) Water Conservation Program Grant for up to $3 Million to offset the cost of the Water Meter Replacement Program. Regular Agenda items include: 11.A. Possible action regarding adoption of an ordinance placing on the August 5, 2025 election ballot the question of amending the Prescott city charter, for purposes of protecting city owned open space in perpetuity. The proposed ordinance would amend the city charter to automatically apply open space protections to any City-owned property zoned as Natural Open Space (NOS) and any City-owned property designated as Open Space on the General Plan's land use map. Such properties could only be used for limited open space purposes and would not be able to be sold, leased, or otherwise encumbered without a vote of the residents of the City. Details are in the agenda packet; 11.C. Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the City of Prescott for the investigation of sites and techniques suitable for reducing stream erosion and improving grassland conditions on land owned by the City in the Big Chino Sub-basin; and 11.D. Discussion and action regarding the proposed 2025 General Plan. The plan and associated documents are in the agenda packet. The Water Resources section begins on p. 32 of the plan. The agenda packet with options for remote viewing is HERE: LOCATION: 201 N Montezuma Street, Council Chambers, 3rd Floor.