CWAG Calendar

Events Calendar

Prescott Council Subcommittee on Water Issues Meeting
Tuesday, March 04, 2025, 09:30am
Hits : 37

Tuesday, March 4, 2025
NEW! 9:30 a.m. Prescott Council Subcommittee on Water Issues Meeting. Agenda items include Water Service Applications for a new 42-unit low income housing tax credit (LIHTC) project at Stetson Rd, east of Bradshaw Dr. (3.C.) and a 106-unit multi-family apartment complex south of Leroux Street on Marina Street (3.D.), an update on PFAS and the status of preparing a PFAS remediation study (3.E.), and an overview of recommended changes to the Water Service Agreement application and Water Policy to include information regarding potential discharge of hazardous materials into the wastewater collection and treatment system (3.F.) The agenda with options for remote viewing is HERE:  LOCATION: 201 N Montezuma Street, Council Chambers, 3rd Floor.