CWAG Calendar

Events Calendar

City of Prescott Workforce Housing Committee
Wednesday, March 05, 2025, 10:00am
Hits : 30

Wednesday, March 5, 2025
NEW! 10:00 a.m. City of Prescott Workforce Housing Committee. Agenda item 3.C. is Presentation & Discussion Regarding the City of Prescott Workforce Housing Policy. Section 2.e. Water Policy begins on p. 16 of the draft policy in the agenda packet. The introduction to this section state, "To support the development of attainable housing for local workers, the City will offer specific water policy incentives aimed at reducing water-related costs and streamlining access to water resources for qualifying workforce housing developments. These incentives will align with the City’s broader water management goals while promoting sustainable growth.” Key water policy incentives are listed. The agenda with options for remote viewing is HERELOCATION: 201 N Montezuma Street, Council Chambers, 3rd Floor.