2006-10-07 Water should be treated with caution


A combination of methods can eliminate the mining of groundwater: Water conservation can reduce demand; residents can collect and recharge wastewater to the aquifer; we can import water from sources outside the aquifer; and finally, we could curtail demand for water with policies that limit growth. Of all the methods, limiting population growth has met with great resistance from many public officials throughout the region. [In the years since former CWAG president John Zambrano wrote this column, the City of Prescott has gradually implemented several of the conservation measures he recommended, and wastewater recharge has increased. Nothing has been done to curtail population growth. The Towns of Prescott Valley and Chino Valley have done little in terms of conservation measures. Overall, much remains to be done if we are to achieve a sustainable water future.]

To learn more, view a pdf of CWAG's column in the Daily Courier, published October 07, 2006.