Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability – Final Report


On August 28, 2009, Governor Brewer announced the formation of the Blue Ribbon Panel on Water Sustainability (Panel) focusing on water conservation and recycling as a priority to improve water sustainability and increase its visibility in Arizona. Forty members representing diverse water interests in Arizona - large and small cities, counties, agriculture, industry, Indian Tribes, environmental interests, Arizona universities, legislative leaders, and other experts in Arizona water issues - were appointed to the Panel. Panel members agreed to the goal of providing recommendations on statute, rule, and policy changes that, by the year 2020 in Arizona, would significantly:
1. Increase the volume of reclaimed water reused for beneficial purposes in place of raw or potable water,
2. Advance water conservation, increase the efficiency of water use by existing users, and increase the use of recycled water for beneficial purposes in place of raw or potable water,
3. Reduce the amount of energy needed to produce, deliver, treat, and reclaim and recycle water by the municipal, industrial, and agricultural sectors,
4. Reduce the amount of water required to produce and provide energy by Arizona power generators, and
5. Increase public awareness and acceptance of reclaimed and recycled water uses and the need to work toward water sustainability. 

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