Response to Pollack Report: Moglewer


The August 2008 report by Elliot D. Pollack & Company on the Big Chino Water Ranch Project has been reviewed. This report was an impact analysis of the proposed project. The analysis incorporated forecasts of community population growth, alternative scenarios of growth based upon assumptions of available water supplies, and opportunity costs from failure to develop the pipeline. Results were quantified in constant 2008 dollars. The report focused on impacts to the City of Prescott and the Town of Prescott Valley. The basic conclusion of the Pollack report is that failure to build the Big Chino Pipeline at an estimated cost of $174.8 million dollars would result in a total lost economic impact to the two communities of over $15 billion dollars.
A major concern is that this report is inadequate for decision-making. It represents an optimistic upper bound not likely to be achieved. The report does not include adverse possibilities. Although it may represent a first attempt to get into the ballpark, it is way out in left field and not near home plate. View Document.