Sources of springs supplying base flow to the Verde River headwaters, Yavapai County, Arizona


Multiple lines of evidence were used to identify source aquifers, quantify their respective contributions, and trace the ground-water flow paths that supply base flow to the uppermost reach of the Verde River in Yavapai County, Arizona. Ground-water discharge via springs provides base flow for a 24-mile long reach from the mouth of Granite Creek (river mile 2.0) to Perkinsville (river mile 26). The flowing reach is important to downstream water users, maintains critical habitat for the recovery of native fish species, and has been designated a Wild and Scenic River. Sources of base flow are deduced from (a) geologic information, (b) ground-water levels, (c) precipitation and streamflow records, (d) downstream changes in base-flow measurements, (e) hydrologic analysis of water-budget components, and (f) stable- isotope geochemistry of ground water, surface water, and springs. Combined, this information clearly indicates that interconnected aquifers in Big Chino Valley are the primary source of Big Chino Springs, presently supplying at least 80 percent of the upper Verde River's base flow. Published by USGS; author Laurie Wirt. View Document.