2017-02-11 Prescott's Water Portfolio from CWAGAZ on Vimeo.

Does Prescott have enough water? What rules govern the management of our water supply? City of Prescott Water Resource Manager Leslie Graser answers this question.

The City of Prescott’s water management history begins in 1881; however, it is was not until 1980 and 1998 that the City’s water management took on the regulatory structure we know today. Graser discusses the City’s water portfolio and explains how the physical supply is documented, the types of water the portfolio contains, and how that water volume supports existing and future community needs.

In late 2009, Leslie Graser was hired as the City of Prescott’s Water Resource Specialist. Graser's past work experience includes seven years in Statewide Water Planning at the Arizona Department of Water Resources and five years in the Hydrology Division. She has a B.A. in Hydrology from the College of Engineering and Mines at the University of Arizona. 

The program concluded with audience Q&A.