2018-03-10 Proposed Big Chino Valley Pumped Storage Project from CWAGAZ on Vimeo.

Representatives of ITC Holdings Corp spoke to the Citizens Water Advocacy Group (CWAG) about the proposed Big Chino Valley Pumped Storage Project and took questions from the large audience. The speakers were Brian Studenka, Director, Grid Development, and Andrew Jamieson, Regulatory Counsel.

CWAG appreciates ITC Holdings giving us a presentation and opportunity for public discussion about its exploration of a plan to build a pumped storage facility near Picacho Peak in northern Yavapai County.  CWAG has not yet decided whether or not it can support such a plan.

From its formation 15 years ago, CWAG has been committed to protecting perennial streamflow in the upper Verde River, which is a critical ecological resource.

Accordingly, CWAG  is committed to the following goals:

  1.  There will be no human-caused diminution of upper Verde River's base flow.
  2.  The River's annual cycles of flood flow and low flow must be preserved.
  3.  There can be no degradation of water quality.

Project website:  BigChinoValleyPumpedStorage.com