Big Chino Groundwater: Essential Source of Verde River Streamflow from CWAGAZ on Vimeo.

Retired USGS geologist Edward W. Wolfe, Ph. D. describes the eventual loss of year-round flow on one of the most beautiful sections of the Verde River—from its headwater springs east of Paulden to Perkinsville, about 23 river miles downstream. The Upper Verde is threatened by groundwater pumping, both past and future. Similarly, the loss of year-round Verde River flow and the vibrant riparian corridor that it supports in the Verde Valley is threatened by the combination of Big Chino pumping plus past and future pumping in the Verde Valley. Ed states, “Let us understand the working of this linked groundwater-surface water system so that it can be managed for the benefit of future generations.” 

Ed is a CWAG board member, former chairman of the Verde Watershed Association, former chairman of the Verde River Basin Partnership’s Technical Advisory Group, and former chairman of the Verde River Basin Partnership’s Board of Directors.