Improving and Protecting Our Creeks and Lakes: Prescott’s New Action Plan

In April of 2016 the City of Prescott, Arizona embarked on ambitious planning efforts to study Watson Lake and the upper portions of Granite Creek Watershed. These two planning efforts will come to a close in May, 2019 and produce management plans for improving the water quality of Watson Lake and many of the creeks that feed it. Matt Killeen, Environmental Coordinator for the City of Prescott shares the findings of these studies in a presentation to the Citizens Water Advocacy Group (,

Killeen’s presentation touches on the study results and focuses on the ongoing and planned pollution reduction strategies that the City will utilize going forward. He discusses some of the partnerships, projects, and opportunities that will impact these waters and what the public can do to help.

Improving and Protecting Prescott's Creeks & Lakes from CWAGAZ on Vimeo.