What are our most important water issues? Are the candidates prepared to set water management policy?

The Citizens Water Advocacy Group hosted its 15th annual forum on water issues on Aug. 3. This year the forum was for for Prescott's mayor and 3 seats on city council.

Conservation, long-range water sustainability, development and water supply, and plans to meet a 2025 target date for “Safe Yield,” (the balance between groundwater withdrawn and returned to aquifers through natural and artificial replenishment), were among the topics discussed. The series of questions for the candidates were prepared by CWAG to prompt public discussion of issues surrounding the continuing overdraft of Prescott area groundwater. The questions, which are posted at cwagaz.org/images/Reports/2019-Forum-Questions.pdf, were provided to the candidates in advance of the forum. Audience members submitted written questions on local water concerns at the event.

The Daily Courier article on the forum is available at dcourier.com/news/2019/aug/06/city-council-hopefuls-delve-water-issues/

CWAG-CF-08-03-19 from CWAGAZ on Vimeo.