Should the Quad Cities follow Tucson's water lead? Jaimie Galayda, Ph.D., Lead Planner, Conservation and Stormwater Resources, with Tucson Water, the City of Tucson's water utility, described Tucson's long range water planning goals and the strategies, such as conservation and stormwater recharge, needed to achieve them. Q & A with the speaker followed her presentation.

Dr. Galayda reviewed Tucson’s long-range water planning goals and strategies, the structure of the “One Water” planning effort developed by the US Water Alliance, whose mission is to bring together diverse interests to find common ground solutions to our nation’s most pressing water challenges.

Dr. Galayda completed her undergraduate studies at the University of Arizona. She holds a Ph.D. in Ecological Economics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Before serving in her current role as Lead Planner at Tucson Water, Dr. Galayda was a policy advisor to Tucson's mayor in the areas of transportation and sustainability.