2/14/015 Big Chino Update Part 1: Peter Kroopnick and Steve Mauk from CWAGAZ on Vimeo.

CWAG Science Committee Chair Peter Kroopnick, Ph.D., reviews the science and geohydrology of the Big Chino aquifer, the Northern Arizona Regional Groundwater Flow Model (NARGFM), and his model runs predicting future Verde River base flow at the Paulden gage. Steve Mauk, Yavapai County Development Services Director, will review the present and predicted population of the Big Chino, and the county general plan for the area. He will discuss the barriers and difficulties to constraining the growth of consumptive water use, particularly subdivision rules and the Private Property Protection Act.

 For an overview of Dr. Kroopnick's presentation, including a revised figure for the depletion of baseflow, look here, or download the paper.

Steve Mauk, Yavapai County Development Services Director, will review the present and predicted population of the Big Chino, and the county general plan for the area. He will discuss the barriers and difficulties to constraining the growth of consumptive water use, particularly subdivision rules and the Private Property Protection Act. Download presentation slides.