3/8/14 - Central Yavapai Highlands Water Resources Management Study from CWAGAZ on Vimeo.


Yavapai County Water Advisory Committee Coordinator John Rasmussen will provide an overview of the Central Yavapai Highlands Water Resources Management Study [CYHWRMS]. The first phase of the study determined that potential future demands by 2050 could greatly exceed supplies, by tens of thousands of acre-feet. Phase II identified potential sources of water to satisfy the unmet demands. During Phase III, the study identified eight alternatives that matched potential sources with unmet demands. Meetings are now underway to acquaint officials and the public with what’s been done so far in preparation for deciding which or whether any of the alternatives should be advanced for a Bureau of Reclamation Feasibility Study. Because the Feasibility Study will require additional funding, it’s important for citizens to k eep an eye on this issue and let officials know what we think.