Five years ago, in February, 2010, Prescott and Prescott Valley approved a Big Chino-related settlement agreement with the Salt River Project (SRP). Rather than continuing to battle in court over the proposed Big Chino Pipeline and its impact on the Verde River, the trio agreed to jointly engage in monitoring and modeling the effects of pumping on the river, with an eye to developing a mitigation plan prior to construction of the pipeline. Greg Kornrumph discusses the progress made to date on developing the monitoring plan for the Big Chino Sub-basin. The Monitoring and Modeling Committee has successfully installed nine streamflow monitoring sites using a unique concept called "Flowtography™" that is yielding new data about ephemeral streamflow characteristics. Ultimately this new data, Kornrumph says, "along with much more information from Geophysics work, new monitoring wells, additional water level data and weather station sites, will be used to develop a nested groundwater model to assist in developing aquifer triggers to assure the headwaters of the Verde River are protected."