9/12/15 -Water Smart Landscapes: Using Less, Preventing Runoff, Preserving Beauty from CWAGAZ on Vimeo.

Water use by Prescott residents increases threefold in the summer - from 3 million gallons in the winter to 8 or 9 million gallons - and most of that is for outdoor usage. In this video, Amanda Richardson, City of Prescott environmental coordinator, explains how to make the most of our water consumption and at the same time, minimize pollution to Prescott's creeks and lakes. Richardson shows us how to design landscapes that move rainwater away from the foundation of houses to areas in the yard where plants and soil can benefit from the moisture. We can keep water on our property by funneling rainwater into barrels or by creating rain gardens. We can also add native plants that benefit when inundated with rainwater yet survive drier weather patterns. Using photos of Prescott yards, Richardson illustrates landscaping techniques that conserve water and prevent runoff. To learn more about Water Smart landscaping in the Central Arizona Highlands, visit prescottwatersmart.com.