CWAG Calendar

Events Calendar

Arizona Water Protection Fund Commission. Fiscal Year 2025 Grant Awards
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 10:00am
Hits : 55

Wednesday, November 20, 2024
 10:00 a.m.  Arizona Water Protection Fund CommissionFiscal Year 2025 Grant Awards. The Commission will discuss and may take action on funding awards for the following grant applications:

a. WPF2501 - Verde River and Oak Creek Riparian Restoration

b. WPF2502 - Bodaway/Gap Colorado River Riparian Restoration Project

c. WPF2503 - WNRCD Lower San Pedro Restoration Project

d. WPF2504 - Little Green Valley Fen Restoration Phase 2 Implementation

e. WPF2506 - Perkins Tank Fence Project

The grant applications are posted HERE: The meeting agenda with link for virtual attendance is posted HERE:  LOCATION: Virtual and Arizona Department of Water Resources, Thunder River Conference Room, 1110 W. Washington St., Ste. 310 Phoenix.