2018 Candidate Forum Questions

 On August 4, 2018 CWAG will hold a candidate forum for LD 1 house and senate candidates. CWAG's forum discussion questions have been sent to the candidates in advance. See our video archive after 8/4/18 to watch the forum.

View a pdf of the questions.

2017 Candidate Forum Questions

 On August 5, 2017 CWAG will hold a candidate forum for Prescott mayoral and council candidates. See our video archive after 8/5/17 to watch the forum.

To learn more, view a pdf of the questions. 

2016 Candidate Forum Questions

 On August 6, 2016 CWAG will hold a candidate forum for candidates for LD 1 House & Senate and for Yavapai County Supervisor in Districts 1, 2, 4 & 5. We sent the candidates the questions in advance. See our video archive after 8/6/16 to watch the forum.

To learn more, view a pdf of the questions. 

2015 Candidate Forum Questions


 On August 1, 2015, CWAG will hold a candidate forum for Prescott mayoral and council candidates. We sent the candidates the questions in advance. See our video archive to watch the forum.

 To learn more, view a pdf of the questions. 

2014 Candidate Forum Questions


 On August 2, 2014, CWAG will hold a candidate forum for Legislative District 1 candidates. We sent the candidates the questions in advance. See our video archive to watch the forum.

 To learn more, view a pdf of the questions. 

Water Conservation through pricing and markets

Presentation by John Danforth to CWAG. Slides show that market forces can allocate water more efficiently, promote conservation, and help protect the environment. View Document.

Rethinking the Contribution of Water Conservation

Presentation to CWAG by Linda Stitzer of Western Resource Advocates advocating a greater role for water conservation. View Document.

Public/Private Partnerships

Prescott and Prescott Valley have explored the possibility of a public-private partnership (PPP) to assist in the financing, construction, and/or operation of the proposed water pipeline. Dr William Kendig comments on this scheme. View Document.

Response to Pollack Report: Kendig

Most thoughtful people are concerned that the lack of adequate water in the area will have significant implications for the local economy and, in a related fashion, will also impact the fiscal situation of area governments. The subject paper, prepared by Elliott D. Pollack & Company for The Central Arizona Partnership (a non-governmental group), was developed to provide specific information regarding the economic and fiscal impact of the pipeline through the year 2050. It appears that study is meant to provide citizens, business representatives and others with information for making decisions. The study has significant problems that reduce its use in decision making: (1) the foundation upon which the study is built, and (2) technical issues. View Document.

2009 Water Balance Calculations for the Prescott AMA

Charts and graphs describing the water balance and decreases for the Prescott AMA, by Doug McMillan and Pete Kroopnick. View Document. 

2014-07-23 How Many More Homes Can Be Built in Prescott Without New Sources of Water?

If Prescott resumes the growth rate it had prior to the 2007-2010 housing bust, the city can continue to build new homes for about 27 years without additional water supplies. Written by Howard Mechanic, 2010. View Document.

2014-07-28 Overview: Climate Change Impacts on Water

Arizona's climate is becoming warmer and drier. Observed local trends combined with observed and projected global warming trends indicate that winter snow accumulations will continue to decrease in northern Arizona. Consequences include not only decreased ground-water recharge but also substantially increased water consumption for farms, trees, lawns, and gardens. View Document.

2014-07-28 Why Care About the Verde?

Presentation describing the values of the Verde River by Joanne Oellers, 2009. View Document.

2014-07-28 Why Pumping the Big Chino will impact the Verde River

Correspondence from CWAG summarizing the reasons why pumping the Big Chino will diminish the upper Verde River, from John Zambrano to Mayor Wilson. View Document.

2014-08-10 Glossary of Acronyms

Glossary of Acronyms.  View document.

Arizona's Changing Climate

Arizona's climate is changing. It's becoming warmer and drier. Prescott average daily temperatures have increased by seven degrees since 1910. Observed increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere caused by the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, imply global, and northern Arizona, temperatures will continue to increase through the first half of our new century due to the Green- house Effect and its associated global warming. By Dale Meyer, CWAG Science Committee. View Document.

Climate Change in Yavapai County

In April, 2008, the Citizens Water Advocacy Group (CWAG) co-hosted a presentation by Michael A. Crimmins, Associate Professor at University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences; and an Agricultural Extension Specialist. He talked about past and projected global climate change, how it is shown to be human-induced, and focused on the present and future effects of climate change on Arizona and Yavapai County. This is a summary written by Howard Mechanic. View Document.

Correspondence: CWAG and AZ Department of Water Resources Director Herb Guenther

CWAG to Guenther 10-18-07
Guenther to CWAG 12-10-07
CWAG to Guenther 1-10-08

CWAG Review of the PrAMA Third Management Plan

The water supply for the Prescott Tri-cities area is primarily groundwater pumped from the aquifer system that underlies the Prescott Active Management Area (PAMA). A state-mandated goal of the PAMA is to achieve safe yield by the year 2025. The state describes a scenario for achieving safe yield through a series of Management Plans. The Third Management Plan (TMP) covers the period 2000-2010. CWAG does not believe that the water users in the PAMA are on track to meet it. By CWAG committee, March 2005. View Document.

CWAG Review of the PrAMA Third Management Plan

The water supply for the Prescott Tri-cities area is primarily groundwater pumped from the aquifer system that underlies the Prescott Active Management Area (PAMA). A state-mandated goal of the PAMA is to achieve safe yield by the year 2025. The state describes a scenario for achieving safe yield through a series of Management Plans. The Third Management Plan (TMP) covers the period 2000-2010. CWAG does not believe that the water users in the PAMA are on track to meet it. CWAG wrote to Herb Guenther, Director of the Arizona Department of Water Resources and asked that the TMP be reopened to include new provisions to achieve safe yield. View Document.

CYHWRMS Status Report January 2009

Presentation given to CWAG meeting describing the current status of the CYHWRMS study. By Ken Janecek, CWAG Board member. View Document.

Emerging Chemical Contaminants

There is growing concern worldwide about aquifer pollution by large numbers of emerging, anthropogenic chemicals (ECs) that escape standard wastewater treatment. Inasmuch as the rapidly-growing, arid Southwest uses such effluent to recharge depleting aquifers, there is an acute need for a better understanding of and a more complete treatment process to protect human and environmental health. Important among these contaminants is a broad suite of endocrine-disrupting chemicals (EDCs) that include natural or synthetic hormones as well as compounds that mimic hormones and may interfere with the operation of endocrine systems even at concentrations of parts per trillion. Indeed, evidence now indicates that some aquatic organisms are adversely affected at these levels where treated wastewater is discharged into streams. The paper will elaborate on these points building a case that this issue deserves attention. By Frank Butterworth, Ken Janecek, and Ed Wolfe. View Document.

Evaluation of the NARGFM model

Evaluation of the groundwater model developed by the USGS (NARGFM), determining that the NARGFM model is an excellent tool for examining long- term changes in groundwater levels and related stream flow in the Paulden, Chino Valley, Prescott and Prescott Valley areas. By Dr. Peter Kroopnick, CWAG Science Committee Chair. View Document.

Hearing Things: The Rumble of the 900-lb SRP Gorilla in Administrative Hearings on Prescott's Pipeline

Entertaining analysis of the 2009 hearings on Prescott's application for a permit to pump the Big Chino. View Document.

Importance of the River and Riparian Habitat in the Upper Verde River Threatened by Diminished Base Flow

The ecological value of the Upper Verde River results in significant economic, recreational, and aesthetic benefit to the citizens of Yavapai and Coconino counties, as well as the State of Arizona, and has earned international attention as well. The river flows and habitat along the Verde River headwaters remain in relatively natural states for now, but vigilance and action are important for maintaining this rare habitat. Written by CWAG Science Committee. View Document.

Longview Pumped Storage Project

CWAG's current position on the Longview Pumped Storage project proposed for the upper Big Chino Valley. View Document. 

Mitigation Plan

Presentation to CWAG describing the elements of a mitigation plan for the Big Chino Pipeline. By John Zambrano, 2009. View Document.

Need for Big Chino Water is Years Away

Many people assume we need Big Chino water soon -- both to continue Prescott's growth and to reach Safe Yield. However, it is now clear this assumption is incorrect. In fact, there is a good chance we won't need Big Chino water until 2025 for either Safe Yield or to continue growth. Presentation to Prescott City Council by Howard Mechanic, 2008. View Document. 

Northpoint High School Verde Project

When ninth- grade students at the Northpoint Expeditionary Learning Academy in Prescott study the Verde River, they really study the Verde River.
They not only spend an entire semester on a single subject in a wide variety of classes, but they also integrate that subject into real-world examples in their hometown.
CWAG facilitated the Northpoint Verde project with classroom presentations and field trips. View Document.

Overcommmitted Water Supply in a Warmer and Drier Climate 2019-04-07

Accelerated depletion of groundwater in the Prescott Active Management Area as well as above the headwaters of the upper Verde River began in the mid-1990s. Climate analysis for Yavapai County and the southwestern states gives evidence of a transition at the same time to a warmer and drier climate. Citizen and government officials should be concerned that our warming and drying climate is now contributing to an increasingly diminished water supply.

By  Edward Wolfe, Apr. 2019. View Document.

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